Friday, September 12, 2008

Alaska's Sweetheart

This is from Becky's good friend from college that lives in Alaska. I thought this was very interesting. (Sorry Laura I totally stole this from you, but I think you have great insight.)

I am not usually a Political person.. okay, I'm still not, but I will say this: Alaska loves Sarah Palin. (And it's Pay (as in rhymes with day)- lin.) We loved her long before she made national headlines. She came to office and immediately tried to clean up after our past loser Governor, who thought he needed all the luxuries life can bestow. One of her first orders of business was to sell the State Jet that he had to have. She has done some "cleaning house" to say the least. She is a strong woman and one of great character. She is a family woman. And yes, her daughter is pregnant. I think we can all agree that no matter how well you teach your children, in the end.. they have their agency.This was her statement after giving birth to her Down syndrome baby, Trig, in April:"We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives"..We may be a little biased up here in Wasilla. :) It is small enough that we all have connections to her:

-Her parents live literally around the corner from mine.

-Her sister works at the same dentist office as my mom.

-I babysat for the loser trooper that she is under investigation for trying to get fired. (I worked with his wife at the time, whom he cheated on.)Anyways just wondering your opinions on her?

Who Am I?
Does history really repeat itself?
Who Am I?
I am under 45 years old,

I love the outdoors,

I hunt,

I am a Republican reformer,

I have taken on the Republican Party establishment,

I have many children,

I have a spot on the national ticket as vice president with less than two years in the governor's office.

Did you guess?

I am Teddy Roosevelt.


Misty said...

Interesting. I due like her values.

welovebees said...
