Friday, August 29, 2008

Homestead Family Reunion

My dad's family has a family reunion at the Homestead in Heber every summer. My parent's started going when my mom was pregnant with me. It is a lot of fun and my kids look forward to it every year. I kept forgetting my camera so I only got a couple of shots of us at the condo.
When Aniston was a baby she would make this funny "piggy face" when we told her to smile. We call it her piggy smile now. She loves to do it. The only problem is, it is almost impossible to get her to do a regular smile.

Here are our two trouble makers. They love playing in the loft!

My dad has some snazzy swim trunks in his drawer that he keeps just for swimming in Park City. We have laughed about them for years. Josh came and modeled for us. What a HOTTIE!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We ALL Love Bees

I am so far behind in my "journal, via blogging" that it is going to take me forever to catch up. These are not going to be in any order but here are the activities for summer.
We took the fam to a Bees game in June. Wes (my cute brother) and Claire (my cute sister in law) met and fell in love at a Bees game and then got engaged at a Bees game. So the Bees have special meaning to us! We love Claire!
We were late as usual and Aniston wanted to walk. It is a little scary parking a car anywhere in the vacinity of the game. It is not the safest part of town!

Here is the gang just relaxing and enjoying each others company. They are laughing of course at my expense! I am just glad I can provide such great entertainment for my family that I love.
We had so much fun and can't wait to go again next year!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Finally, we can swim!!!

I have been doing public swim lessons since Stockton was 9 months old. Ever since, everyone of my children have done swim lessons every year. I go through the whole wait in line for hours to get them signed up. Then put them in a class for 1/2 hour with 5 other kids. They just never seemed to improve. Kennedie is a natural swimmer so I don't worry about her but the boys........ We had two near drowning accidents with Weston last year. That was the final straw. I finally signed him up for the private swim lessons at the Legacy Center. I don't have great ideas very often but this was brilliant. Okay I can't take all the credit, Lisa and I worked together. I am not kidding, after the first lesson it was night and day different. Weston had improved so much, it was like he was a different kid. I could have cried I was so happy. This summer has been great! He no longer even has to wear a life jacket. He jumps off the diving board in the six foot section and swims to me without any problems.

Aniston and Kate had as much fun as the boys. Aniston kept sticking her feet in the water and making the life guard a little anxious. I want to sign her up as soon as possible.

By the end of the lessons the boys were swimming like fish! I couldn't believe it. I could be on an ad for the Legacy Center. I sound like a commercial!