Monday, June 16, 2008

Kennedie's Baptism

Kennedie got to pick out her special dress all by herself. Everytime she tried one on she would twirl around in the dressing room. I think the deciding factor was how well it twirled. She looked like such a princess in everyone of the dresses.
I was a little okay a lot dissapointed in the pictures. Out of about 300 I loved two. I can't decide if I am picky or they just did a bad job. Either way at least we got two right!?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Another birthday in St. George

It is so frustrating that I am so computer retarded. I wanted the part about her birthday first but I don't know how to move these are backwards. Oh well!!! :)

Kennedie just tried out for the Strikers soccer team and made it! Soccer is a new beast for Bart and I. We are a little clueless but learning as we go.
She has been taking gymnastics since she could walk. I am so proud of her, you have no idea how bad I wanted a daughter to love gymnastics like I do. She is really a natural and is much better than I was at her age.
Kennedie just started skiing last winter and picked up on it so fast. I was amazed how easy it came to her. She loves it!

Kennedie is eight!! We celebrated her birthday in St. George again. As I was looking through her pictures to make her baptism video I noticed that we usually are in St. George for Memorial Day and therefore we are there for her birthday. I cannot believe my baby is 8. Wow time goes by so fast. Kennedie was such a good baby and a wild little girl. These last couple of years she has grown up so much. She is such a big helper and so much fun to be around. I learn more from her family home evening lessons than I am sure she learns from mine. I am so glad she is in our family. I love you Kenners!!

We have a new tradition, breakfast in bed on our birthdays! I had an inner ear infection and had taken some medicine Saturday night. I could not for the life of me get up on Sunday to make her breakfast. Finally at nine Stockton came in and said, "Mom Kennedie has been sitting in bed for two hours waiting for her breakfast." I felt horrible! I drug my lazy butt out of bed and made her breakfast while I was half a sleep. She ate and then opened presents, and I quickly went back to bed before I threw up. Not a great birthday for her but she didn't seem to notice.