Friday, March 21, 2008

Heart To Home

Bart is doing the Heart to Home again this year. The family they are building the house for is so cute. They have three little boys that all were born with severe health problems. The house was going to be condemed because it had black mold growing in it. The mold just made the boys health problems worse. So the family couldn't be upstairs, they had to live in the basement. Bart and Sean knocked down their house and they have to build a new one in 9 days! Sean said today that the outside is almost all the way done. It is quite the undertaking! It is amazing to me to see the good side of humanity come out in people. That place is filled with all sorts of volunteers willing to give of themselves. All these cute little old ladies have set up a tent and have food there all the time for the workers. There are just random people that are out there hauling lumber and cleaning up the site. On Wednesday the electrition that they had scheduled just didn't show up, and would not return phone calls. So they called their stucco guy that does a little electrical work and asked if he would come right then. It was 6p.m. at here he comes with two of his hispanic workers. He had to wire the whole house by 10 a.m. the next morning. I about started crying when I saw him get out of the truck to come help. It really is quite a miracle to watch. The kids had so much fun going and seeing daddy. During the 9 days Bart is not home much, and the kids really miss him. They loved helping in the tractor and playing in the dirt. After Weston threw too many dirt clods it was time to go before we got kicked out. It is such a great cause and we feel blessed to be a part of it.


Tara said...

You made tears come to my eyes, I'm so impressed you are involved with such an amazing project! That's awesome your kids were there to see the service of others! Can't wait to see the finished pictures! If only our houses could be built in 9 days:)

Tara said...

I forgot to mention how CUTE Ani's outfit is! Love it!