Sunday, December 2, 2007

Thanksgiving in St.George

We had so much fun hanging out with all of our family in St. George. I am so grateful for my extended family. My children really enjoy being with all of my Aunt's and Uncle's and my cousins. I am so blessed to have such a close family. We had a fun sport filled Thanksgiving. We played tennis, football and bowled. Everyone had a blast. I am thankful for everyone of you who play an important part of my life.

1 comment:

Richard, Angi and Fam said...

Nan, remember how I just talked to you an hour ago..and I was watching Private Practice while Bryn is at school, when now I am blogging! Yes I am having a way productive morning!!! So pathetic! I love your pics I am so impressed with your blogging skills I must say!! You will have to teach me!!! It is so cute I am so sad I missed out in St. George!!! Sounds like you guys had so much fun. Catch you next year.