Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sorry Raquel it is taking me forever! Okay here is number 2.
I love things on sale and I love coupons. I found a pair of jeans that I really wanted but they were like $90. That is just WAY too much. I just did not want to spend that on jeans. Two days later I went to a boutique and everything was 20% off. I found these jeans that were $120 but with %20 off that made it just fine. It just makes it feel better that they were on sale. I love to use coupons. I won't even need anything but I will buy it just because I can use a coupon and it makes me feel like I am getting a good deal. I have a lot of my mom in me. I will use a coupon for anything!

1 comment:

Raquel said...

I love reading these facts about you! It's ok that you do them one at a time because then I feel like I have more posts to read later! :) Can't wait to see you guys at Christmas!