Monday, May 5, 2008

Tulip Festival?

I have always wanted to go to the Tulip Festival. You might say it has been one of my goals for about 3 years. (I know, lofty!) So finally I get around to it...........and there are NO tulips! It was so sad. It has been such a cold winter that there were no tulips out. I couldn't believe it. I was highly dissapointed to say the least. Oh well, the kids still had fun. We walked around for a while and then ate lunch at the Trelis. The highlight of the day with the delicious Diet Coke! Seriously you know how picky I am. They really have good drinks and great fries.

This was the biggest bunch of tulips we saw the whole day. SAD!!
My cute buddy!

I look like a midget in this picture. Don't get me wrong I am short, but not that much shorter than Misty! A five year old took the picture so the angle was not great. But she didn't cut any of our heads off. Thanks Lexi!

The kids were cracking us up. They would run up ahead of us and get these pamphlets out and cover their faces. After we laughed the first couple of times they kept doing it to get a reaction from worked, we kept laughing.


Shannon and Andrew said...

That picture does make Misty look taller. Wow, Lisa daughter has really grown up since the last time I saw her. You need to convince our other friends to become bloggers.

katie said...

How saaad! We advertise for that event and even wanted to go check it out for myself but not so much anymore! :(
Too funny of the pic of your kids holding the pamphlets!


Natalie said...

Nan, sounds like you had fun anyway just walking around letting the kids have fun. My mom told me that she and some ladies from her ward went and it was really bad this year. Maybe next year!

Your kids on the bench looks like a postcard! Way to cute!

SKH said...

What a bummer, I have always wanted to go and see the tulips too. My friend's friend took her aging parents and rented a golf cart and made big plans and arrangements for a lovely day at the gardens, and of course, not 1 tulip was blooming. I guess I will just have to go to Holland for their tulip festival....

Tara said...

That's too bad the tulips weren't out, I've been wanting to go to that for a couple of years, tulips are my favorite flower! And I agree, you aren't that short, crazy picture:) You all look so great!
btw, my blog has been shut down for some unknown reason, I'm stressing out that I'll lose everything on it:( Wish me luck getting it back!

Laura said...

We don't see tulips until June up here! Sad that you finally got the chance and it was a bum year. Your family is too adorable, I would LOVE to be as cute of a mom as you someday!;)

Lisa said...

Can we just say that while you may look short, I look really tall?