Friday, May 16, 2008

The Great Debate

It was time for the Brockbank's most despised time of year again. It seems to come around so fast. Didn't we just have the pinewood derby last week? I grew up thinking you would get kicked out of the church if you didn't do scouts. My brother got his Eagle Scout award when he was 15. I didn't know that was optional. Bart never even went to scouts. So after we got married and had Stockton we have never really agreed on how to handle scouts. So last year was his first pinewood derby. I kept reminding Bart that this was to be a father and son's activity. To make a long story short 15 min. before the derby we are in the garage painting the car. It was a miserable experience. There is nothing like watching your nine year old son stare at his car, fighting back the tears, as it finishes last EVERY SINGLE TIME!
I begged Bart to start early as to not have a repeat of last year. I vowed that if we lost the first race I was going to scoop Stockton up and drive straight to Chucke Cheese. I could not handle it again this year. Bart at least started working on it the day before. So that was an improvement! We won a couple and lost a couple but all in all it was better than last year (although that is not saying much!) I hate the pinewood derby. I think next year we will be out of town.

Bart's mom and grandma came to support Stockton. He was so happy they were there, and grandma Vickie helped cheer on his BYU car! Great grandma Johnson was still a little confused what all the commotion was about. She was a good sport.


The Cliftens said...

Pinewood Derby...sounds sooo fun! Tell Stock I am proud of him, but still mad that he didn't come over last weekend. :) Let's get together more often! Send me pics of the farm!

Tara said...

I'm glad this year went better than last! We need to hold something ransom for our husbands to get the pinewood derby cars ready in plenty of time:) I love Stockton's pleading prayerful hands with his worried look, thank goodness he won some:) Hope to see you soon!

katie said...

I am not at that age yet but reading the anguish in your words makes the panic in my heart all ready begin! I am glad that this years results were better than last years and I too, love the pleading hands picture of Stockton! I am glad that he won some! :)

Laura said...

How sad about the derby car! Im NOT looking forward to Jack being in scouts (then again, neither is Jeremy and he was an Eagle Scout too, haha!).. mostly because we're lazy and it's time consuming! lkqxg

Raquel said...

Stockton is so cute in those pictures! I'm gald he won some of the races! Ava and I are coming up June 23-30th so could you make sure it's not cold when we get there!:)

Shannon and Andrew said...

You are seriously soo funny. I can see you planning a trip next year just to miss the derby. I am glad Stockton won some. It is hard to watch you kids be sad like that.