Friday, August 29, 2008

Homestead Family Reunion

My dad's family has a family reunion at the Homestead in Heber every summer. My parent's started going when my mom was pregnant with me. It is a lot of fun and my kids look forward to it every year. I kept forgetting my camera so I only got a couple of shots of us at the condo.
When Aniston was a baby she would make this funny "piggy face" when we told her to smile. We call it her piggy smile now. She loves to do it. The only problem is, it is almost impossible to get her to do a regular smile.

Here are our two trouble makers. They love playing in the loft!

My dad has some snazzy swim trunks in his drawer that he keeps just for swimming in Park City. We have laughed about them for years. Josh came and modeled for us. What a HOTTIE!


katie said...

i love the pic of josh!
way too funny.....

Shannon and Andrew said...

Those are some hot shorts.