Monday, April 7, 2008

Palm Springs

Wow it was hard to come home to snow!!! We went to Palm Springs last week and enjoyed 80' weather all week long. It was the perfect trip. I had a specific routine that I followed everyday. *Sleep in
*Tennis Lessons
*Diet Coke run (Thanks to the "L" sisters) Diet Coke or a gas is not easy to find it took some looking but our hard work paid off.
*Laying out
*Getting ready (Kind of, pony tail no make-up)
* Dinner
*Rotation between hot tub and movie

I only had my camera once or twice with me so these pictures are a little cheesy. We stayed at this huge Marriott. It about took a map to find anything. It had a little lake with boats in the middle of it.
We had so much fun playing tennis. I still need a lot of work but my game is improving. It goes to show I am not too old to learn new things. The guys were so patient with my 300 serve game that lasted an hour.

We played tennis on these grass courts, just like Wimbleton. We needed to practice up for our training. It was so different than cement. We also played on clay courts like the French open just to mix it up a little. It was a blast.
This is Sean's cool grandpa car. All the babes were trying to pick up on him. I think he is going to trade in his mustang for the Grand Marque he liked it so much. It was even baby blue! Sweet!!
Seriously look at the form........
I think I gained 10lbs in one week. That has to be a record. Of course In and Out Burger at 11:00 p.m. probably didn't help my cause at all, but it was worth it. (The one in St. George is opening in one week.) Well just looking at the pictures and writing about it while I look out my window and it is snowing is making me depressed. It was a great week with Bart. It is nice to get away and spend some time together.


Raquel said...

How fun is that! I'm so impressed with your tennis skills! We will have to play again in St. George! It was great seeing you the other day! I'm still on the hunt for a bigger purse/diaper bag!)

Tara said...

Oh to be wearing a tank top right now... I wish! It looks like you all had a great time, I'm jealous of all the pretty green grass!

The Cliftens said...

I am so jealous. You just listed all of the reasons why you should not bring kids on vacation. And what is with the newfound interest in tennis? You are such a yuppie! :) JK..I think I want to make Jeff take lessons with me this summer.

Tara said...

I forgot to mention, Curds and Whey is on 123 S. and 7th E. Call me and we'll make a day out of it:)

Jake & Robyn said...

I'm so jealous! That looks like so much fun! Jake and I just got into tennis, we'll have to have a match up! :)

SKH said...

Fabulous weather, no kids, your hubby and a "routine" chosen by you. I don't know if I'll ever see the day....Looks like you had fun!