Thursday, January 24, 2008

Stockton was so excited to have everyone come to his first Jr. Jazz game of the season. He is more concerned who is watching than actually playing basketball. After everything he does he looks over to see who saw his "great move." If we have turned our heads and missed something we get a lecture in the car about how we are not supposed to talk during his game. We are there to just watch him. He gets so excited. He told everyone for a week how he made the "buzzer beater!"

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Christmas 2007

Christmas just keeps getting better and better. I love seeing the kids get so excited on Christmas Eve. Our Christmas Eve was quiet this year. Wes and Claire went with her family and Josh had to go to work. So Bec, Lauren, Grandpa and our family had our own little party. We all got new P.J.'s, we read books and ate a lot! On Christmas the kids opened presents from Santa and then we went to Grandpa's and opened presents all over again. Thanks Grandpa! It went by so fast I am already looking forward to next year!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Tubbing at Soldier Hollow

Aniston wasn't quite sure why we had dressed her up so she couldn't move and then stuck her in a tube and made her ride around. She would smile and then cry. She kind of had a confused look on her face. After one time down the hill there was no more smiling, just crying. The other kids had a blast and Bart and I took turns sitting in the truck while Aniston slept. That was an expensive nap!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We had so much fun going to the Polar Express this year. We left Aniston with a babysitter so it was nice just to spend some time with the big kids. We ate cookies and drank hot chocolate but the highlight was when Santa came and passed out bells to all of the kids. Weston had all of the elfs crowding around him while he entertained them with his stories. I think they thought he was one of them.